Why should more of humans be a crisis?

3 min readAug 29, 2019

A lot has been talked off about population explosion. A countless number of articles have already been written about it.

Overpopulation is a serious problem. I am not here to deny this. But I want to make a point.

(Population)-the word, abstracts out the fundamental unit that it is made up off. And that unit is Human.

Naysayers say resources we have on our planet is limited.

More people to eat the same pie means smaller piece for everyone.

But should it be true?

Let us think of a situation and understand by using an analogy. If you throw a party to your friends (completely financed by you ) then, you will rather shortlist and invite the once most dear to you. But imagine how the dynamic changes in case of a Potluck(its a kind of a social gathering in which every attendee is entitled to bring food which is shared by others).In this case, you would rather invite more people because every attendee adds to the value and diverse pool of the party.

Overpopulation is a crisis just because most of the people are not a productive member of society. Unfortunately, these are the kinds of people whose net life is a liability for our species, rather than an asset.

The skyrocketing global unemployment is a sign that exactly signals this bigger issue.

The corporate world understands the value of human. Human is a Resource. Human Resource. For accomplishing any task we need resources.

More people means more mouths to feed to.But it also means more hands to work,more minds to innovate,more consciousness to think and more possibilities be explored .

In a Utopian world, every being will be an asset. In that case, there is no resource limitation for humanity.

The space is open to us,and so is the ocean.

Progress of a species is defined by expansion, which is aided by population.

It is just because we have stopped innovating resource has become scarce. Though we have great minds but we need to scale things up, to meet our destiny both as individuals and as a species.

The only resource that is scarce is great human beings

The way ahead

Knowledge(in the form of data) has always existed. Google made it useful.

No one complained that there was a knowledge explosion.No one said more data was bad. We just built a system that empowered us to use that data.

7.2 billion people are alive today. Government and organisations all around the world are sounding red flags. We need some big changes in our social, political and economic structures. We need a structure that is capable to handle this scale and harness its benefit’s.

We need to envision a system that trains people to be productive being(an asset), and then we need organisations and power structures that can harness those skills.

In the current socio-political system, this most closely translates to states running mass skill development programmes to train its people with relevant skill sets and fixing the education system.

After all education is all about converting humans from liabilities to assets.

On an individual level, one should try to solve problems(both that has haunted humanity since the past or the once we will face in the future). Even if every one solves the smallest of small problems, the world will be a far better place to live in.

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Claps are appreciated!!

