How WhatsApp Wrapped Helped Me Understand My Communication Habits

3 min readDec 4, 2022

As someone who spends a lot of time on WhatsApp, I am always curious about the patterns and trends in my messaging habits. Who do I talk to the most? How long do I typically take to respond to messages? How many messages do I send in a day?

These were just some of the questions that I wanted answers to, and I was pleasantly surprised when I came across a new web app called WhatsApp Wrapped.

WhatsApp Wrapped is a simple but powerful tool that lets you analyze your personal and group chats on WhatsApp. With just a few clicks, you can get detailed insights into your communication patterns, including who texts first, who texts the most, average reply time, total messages sent, and even the total hours spent talking. It also has a word cloud feature.

To use the app, all you have to do is download your WhatsApp chat history and upload it to the website. The app will then do the rest, providing you with a comprehensive report that breaks down your chat history in an easy-to-understand format.

I was amazed by how much I was able to learn about my communication habits from just a few minutes of using the app. For instance, I learned that I tend to respond to messages quickly, with an average reply time of just a few minutes. I also discovered that I have a handful of contacts that I talk to the most, and that I tend to send more messages in the evenings and on weekends.

But perhaps the most interesting thing I learned was how much time I spend on WhatsApp. According to the app, I have spent a total of over 100 hours talking on the platform in the past year, which is a lot more than I expected!

Overall, I found the WhatsApp Wrapped app to be incredibly useful and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to gain deeper insights into their communication habits on WhatsApp. Whether you’re looking to improve your messaging habits or simply curious about your own patterns, this app is a must-try.

